Mating Games Read online

Page 8

  “We’ll let you rest,” Sasha announced, taking Tabor’s hand and yanking him with her to the door.

  They disappeared quickly. Although reluctant to see them go, Jordan couldn’t blame them. She wouldn’t want to stick around any longer than necessary, either. Palmer had managed to wear Emmy down, which pissed Jordan off more than anything.

  His eyes softened once Sasha and Tabor had gone. Leaning down, Palmer stroked the side of Emerson’s face. No matter how affectionate the gesture was meant to be, it filled Jordan with disgust.

  “Is there anything else I can do for you, sweetheart?”

  Jordan had to bite her tongue from snipping at him. “You’ve done enough damage already.”

  “I’m sleepy.” Emerson’s lashes fluttered, struggling to stay open.

  Palmer cupped her face one last time before straightening up. “That’s a good girl. You rest. I’ll have Francine come by a bit later with the broth.”

  “Thanks, Papa.”

  With a satisfied smile, Palmer took a step back. As soon as Emmy’s eyes closed, he moved away quietly.

  “You should let her rest,” came his hissing whisper as he passed Jordan.

  Spine stiffening, she followed him outside. “What do you think I’ve been doing all day,” she snapped, “forcing her into stimulating rounds of debate?”

  Palmer sniffed. “You make it hard for anyone to relax around you.”

  Jordan hated how much his words stung. She’d never been lighthearted like Emerson or calm and collected like Sasha. But she did care. She just took things too seriously sometimes. Perhaps a lot of times. Maybe too many times. When had she become so uptight? One of Jordan’s worst fears was becoming anything like the cantankerous Francine.

  There was a softness missing in her. She’d never been the cuddly type—she was always more comfortable palling around with the guys. Sex had always been just a physical release, rarely involving her feelings or triggering yearnings for partnership with her lovers.

  Her heart sank.

  Deep down, Jordan longed for her one true mate, the man who would stand by her side and love her above all others.

  A knowing half smile curved over Palmer’s lips. He gave a smug nod. The prick had gotten his way with Emerson and, as a bonus, managed to knock Jordan down a peg. “Try not to bite Francine’s head off when she comes by with the broth,” he said, lifting his chin before stomping off into the woods.

  With steam filling her ears, Jordan almost didn’t hear Emerson call for her. Once her sister’s voice registered through the smoldering fog inside her brain, she rushed into the cabin. “What is it, Emmy?”

  Propped up on one arm, Emerson glanced at the door. “Are we alone?” she asked.

  “Yeah,” Jordan said, squeezing her fingers, “the coast is clear.”

  Emmy nodded. “Good. Go get Tabor.”

  Jordan’s mouth hung open. “You mean—?”

  “I want him to heal me,” Emerson said. “What Palmer doesn’t know won’t hurt him.”

  Hope bloomed inside Jordan’s chest as she took off running toward the glade to catch up to Tabor and Sasha before they got too far. She didn’t want her sister to suffer a moment longer.

  chapter seven

  The treetops pierced the sky like pointed arrows. Douglas firs and western hemlocks whipped past Raider as he cut across the forest. He usually felt at home in the woods, but it suddenly felt stifling, closing in around him like a swarm of enemies camouflaged in the foliage. Twisted roots rose off the compact dirt in sad little attempts to trip him. Raider took wide steps, clearing every hurdle the path threw at him.

  Sweat slicked his hairline. There hadn’t been the hint of a breeze in weeks. It was as though the wind had taken a long, deep inhale then passed out before it could resume breathing.

  On the other hand, Raider’s lungs were on overdrive as he huffed along the narrow trail.

  It had been difficult not to choke on the indignation of Palmer’s blatant suggestion that Raider coveted Sasha. Not everyone was as randy as the old man, but Raider wasn’t one to take cheap shots—Palmer should count himself lucky on that score.

  Imagine having him as a father-in-law.

  The thought stopped Raider in his tracks. He lifted his lips over his teeth in a manic smile and laughed dryly, a sound without humor or mirth, a sound as listless as the air around him.

  Not a chance.

  Raider was in no hurry to claim a mate. And if he did, he’d lean more toward a shifter with an even temperament, someone like the shy, petite shifter named Lacy, with her soft voice and a warm smile always ready on her lips. She was exactly what Raider wanted—a female who wouldn’t give him grief. One had only to look at Palmer’s banshee of a mate, Francine, to appreciate the softer qualities in a female.

  After he cooled off, he intended to go back and check on Emerson. If she wanted Tabor to help her, there wasn’t anything Palmer could do to stop them. Raider had witnessed the strength of Tabor’s power. He might be her best hope.

  Then there was the pressing issue of how she had taken ill in the first place. Mere minutes before retching, she’d appeared perfectly healthy.

  Overgrown branches reached out and clawed at Raider’s hair as he searched his memory for anything out of the ordinary leading up to Emerson’s sickness.

  He practically had to turn sideways to avoid being scraped by needles. Just because the cabin trail isn’t a main trail doesn’t mean they should neglect it altogether, he thought with a grumble. Pretty soon, it would be overgrown, and they’d have to bushwhack their way to reach the single shifters’ communal storage from this route.

  Raider would bring it up at the next council meeting. Jager could assign the trail project to a set of shifters following the next moon cycle. Hell, he wouldn’t mind starting the task himself if he hadn’t already been assigned patrol of the grassy knoll, an area south of the glade and north of the wastelands.

  After helping Emerson to the cabin that morning, Jager had taken Raider aside to tell him what his assignment would be the following day… along with his new partner.


  Unbidden, blood rushed to his groin, and Raider narrowly missed stubbing his toe on a jagged rock poking sideways into the trail.

  She was undeniably attractive, but her sights had been set elsewhere. Hudson and Chase were on her like hungry fleas.

  He recalled coming upon Jordan floating on her back, blissed out and oblivious to his arrival. She’d looked so serene, and he’d paused to watch her for a moment before undressing. Even those movements had gone unnoticed as she drifted unaware on the pond’s glassy surface, breasts glistening above the water, nipples pointing at the sky.

  Raider had to jump in and cool off before she noticed his unexpected hard-on and got the wrong idea.

  Right before entering the cabin, he’d heard her raised voice arguing with Palmer, and it had reassured him somehow to feel they were on the same side. He’d always appreciated Sasha for the same reason—admiring how she spoke up to the elders. The old ones were vastly outnumbered, yet they behaved as though they ruled the hollow, reasoning that age equaled rank.

  The sound of breaking twigs and rustling branches snapped Raider out of his thoughts.


  The word pierced his brain anytime he heard a noise, ever since that damn attack on Kallie.

  He wasted no time stripping out of his clothes and shifting, a growl on his lips as his jaw elongated and teeth sharpened. Without any wind, it was hard to smell what was coming. He couldn’t detect the fetid odor usually attached to vulhena, but he wasn’t taking any chances. The creatures had become way too bold over the past month.

  A figure flew around the bend, emerging through the thicket on two long legs. Jordan screeched in surprise when she saw him directly in her path. Seconds later, her eyebrows slas
hed across her forehead angrily as she regained her composure. As Raider shifted, crouched on the ground, she spun around to avoid seeing him naked.

  Jordan kept her back to him. “What were you doing snarling in the middle of the trail like a mad wolf?” she demanded, gesturing with her arms.

  She looked ridiculous addressing the trees rather than facing Raider as he stood and dusted himself off.

  “What were you doing crashing through the forest like a vulhena on the attack?” Raider fired back.

  Jordan whipped around, mouth agape as though indignant. With her jaw clenched, she shot him an incredulous look that faded as her eyes slid south, inch by inch, as though drawn down against her will. Her gaze brushed over him where the wind did not. It slid down his chest and slipped further yet, to his thighs and the hardness between.

  A moment of pride swept over Raider when he caught the whites of her eyes as they widened right before they snapped up and met his. Her cheeks flushed bright red. She twisted around, causing dust to rise around her ankles with her speed. His cock tightened and pulsed at the sight of her pert back end, as though she’d turned in offering rather than aversion.

  Normally not one to taunt, Raider couldn’t help himself now. “Don’t tell me you’ve turned shy, Jordan. It’s not like you haven’t seen a cock before… Well, maybe not one this big.”

  Jordan sucked in a breath. Her shock and discomfort triggered feelings of lust and curiosity inside him. She was the opposite of her sisters. Camilla had tried to force herself on him during the ceremonial claiming dance, lifting her skirt and shoving her ass at him, oblivious to everyone gathered round. He’d spent the evening pushing her away until Emerson cut in, which sent the two sisters squabbling but allowed Raider the opportunity to give them both the slip. Jordan kept her back to him, standing straight with a rigidness that surprised Raider. Everyone in the hollow knew she, Hudson, and Chase were more than just friends. She should be beyond satiated. And yet, she looked in desperate need of a good, hard fuck.

  Maybe it wasn’t so surprising that Hudson and Chase humped like bunnies.

  They were jokers. Pups. He recognized the type, thought they were the pack rebels, but when it came down to it, they obeyed their elders, though they might grumble.

  When Raider mated, he didn’t joke around. He didn’t hump, he fucked. It had been too many moons since he’d pleasured a female, a dry spell so long that he found himself raking his eyes over Jordan, resting his gaze on her ass, which wiggled as she shifted side to side in agitation.

  His fingers tingled, itching to yank her jeans past her knees and take her standing, take her until she came and screamed with pleasure.

  “Are you dressed yet?” Jordan asked irritably, interrupting his fantasy.

  The delusional daydream had Raider shaking his head rapidly as he gathered up his jeans and stepped into them. He didn’t bother answering as he got dressed. After he pulled his head free of his cotton tee, he saw that Jordan was facing him. He didn’t know whether or not she’d watched him dress.

  “You’re the one who chased me down,” he said impatiently.

  “I wanted to catch up to Tabor.”

  “Palmer finally came to his senses,” Raider said with a nod. Hard to believe, but maybe Jordan had managed to wear him down.

  Scowling, she shook her head. “A hollowed-out tree stump has more sense than Palmer.”

  “You’re going behind his back,” Raider said, understanding dawning on him. As much as he disagreed with the man, Palmer had a right to know what happened to his daughter and voice his opinion.

  Jordan glared at him as though reading his thoughts. “Emmy asked me to fetch Tabor, and that’s exactly what I’m going to do.”

  Raider straightened, suddenly all business. “I’ll find him. You stay with your sister.”

  Standing stock-still, Jordan studied his face skeptically.

  “She shouldn’t be alone,” Raider added.

  And he shouldn’t have been dicking around with one of Palmer’s daughters. The old man’s insinuation should have made Raider even more determined to block any advances from the Palmer clan, and there he stood, practically undressing Jordan with his eyes. Good thing she’d had her back turned and hadn’t seen.

  “You’re right,” she said, startling him out of his reverie. “I’ll stay with Emmy while you fetch Tabor.” When Raider made no movement, Jordan raised her brows. “Well? Are you going?”

  “Yeah,” Raider said, shaking his head as though that would help clear it. “My wolf will be faster. You might want to turn around.”

  All traces of flirtation had gone from his voice, replaced with his usual bland tone, the voice of reason, the air of authority, responsibility, boredom.

  For a brief moment, he’d dropped the façade and had a little fun, not that Jordan appreciated the effort.

  Nodding with formality, she took several steps back before walking away.

  Well, she wasn’t rushing from him quite as quickly as she had at the pond. Raider could have even sworn he caught her peek at him over her shoulder as he stripped once more. Then again, it might have been to glower in his direction. Tough to tell as she rounded the bend.

  Tabor and Sasha weren’t at the glade, nor the river or the falls. Oh no, they were at their cave, and Raider hadn’t had to step in to hear their moans ricocheting off the rock walls. At least they were keeping each other happy.

  After calling out to them, Raider waited outside the cave’s entrance, leaning against a boulder and running a hand through his hair.

  “We’ll be right out,” Sasha had hollered after Raider stated his purpose.

  She and Tabor spoke in whispers that echoed incoherently against the walls of the cave.

  Sasha emerged first, pulling the straps of her sundress over her shoulder blades, a healthy flush over her skin and glow in her eyes. Tabor followed shortly after, a hazy smile lingering over his lips. They were the perfect picture of mated bliss.

  Maybe claiming a mate wasn’t the drudgery Raider had always imagined.

  Tabor was one lucky wolf to have a female look at him the way Sasha did. A spark lit her up from within, and it burned only in his presence. Raider envied Tabor, but not for the reason Palmer had suggested. He envied their loyalty and partnership.

  As the pair shuffled over, Raider quit pulling at his hair and pushed away from the boulder.

  “Sorry to interrupt,” he said, not quite sounding sincere. Luckily Sasha felt the call of duty as keenly as he, and probably more so as the pack’s last living female pureblood. “Emerson is requesting Tabor.”

  Heads lowering, Tabor and Sasha exchanged a look. Sasha broke eye contact to address Raider. “We’ll head over at once.”

  “I’ll meet you there,” Raider said.

  While Tabor and Sasha walked swiftly for the cabin, he shifted and ran ahead. Once he reached the spot where he’d cast off his clothes, he shifted, changed, and headed to the cabin.

  He found Jordan inside, seated on the edge of the bed, her head bent as she murmured softly to her sister. Anguish filled her eyes when she looked up. A pit opened inside his stomach, and his heart sank into it. He wished he could do something to help Emerson. He hated feeling useless.

  “Tabor’s on his way,” he mumbled before heading out of the cabin. He didn’t want to intrude. Waiting outside, Raider ran one hand over his head repeatedly, clutching at his short strands of hair until Tabor and Sasha arrived. He remained outside while Tabor chanted over Emerson from within.

  Once Tabor walked out, Raider searched his packmate’s face, but the half-wizard’s expression was unreadable.

  “Did it work?” Raider asked, taking a step toward him.

  Tabor’s chest rose and fell slowly. “I don’t know.”

  Sasha joined her mate’s side, taking his hand. “She said she wanted to sleep. Unless
we hear from Jordan, we’ll check on her tomorrow morning. That’s the best we can do for now. We’re going to grab supper with Tabor’s sister in the den. You should go get something to eat in the glade.”

  With nothing left to do, Raider said his goodbyes and made his way slowly to the glade.

  The moment he arrived, shifters swarmed him from every angle.

  “How’s Emerson?”

  “Is she okay?”

  “What happened to her?”

  Jager limped into the clearing from the direction of his hut, with his jaw set and his usual pained frown.

  “Listen up, everyone,” he bellowed in a booming voice that was impressive for someone so frail. “Emerson is being looked after at the community cabin. I ask you all to stay away from that area until she has recovered. Let’s give her the rest she needs to get back on her feet, and back on duty with the rest of us. In the meantime, I will announce the new pairings and assignments.”

  This quieted everyone down. All eyes now on Jager, Raider slipped away from the shifters who had crowded around him and took a spot near a tree, arms folded.

  “Your new assignments begin tomorrow after breakfast,” Jager continued.

  While Jager made announcements, Raider looked around the glade. He moved to the spot where he and Emerson had talked early that morning, glancing at the log where she’d set her bowl of porridge down before picking it back up.

  Someone lightly tapped him on the back. He turned around to find Sydney staring up at him, her lips quivering. “Is Emmy okay?” she asked in a small voice.

  Raider’s chest softened. It wasn’t his place to tell her about the spell Tabor had performed, but he still wanted to reassure the girl as best he could.

  “She’s been resting all day. Your big sister’s strong. I’m sure she’ll be back on her feet soon.” Raider forced a smile.

  Sydney stared at his lips as though they would tell her what she needed to know more than his words. Whatever she saw there made her grin.