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Mating Games Page 13

  A riot of conversation chorused all at once the moment Jager finished his orders and limped over to Palmer and Sydney.

  Sasha hurried off to join Tabor, after which Aden wasted no time getting in line at the cauldron.

  A rough hand gripped Raider’s shoulder. His heart gave an all too familiar lurch, but he kept his gaze cool as he faced his father. Garrick removed his hand from Raider to crack his knuckles, eyes shifting around the glade.

  “No sign of the boy or intruders at all?” he asked.

  “Nothing,” Raider said.

  Scrubbing his jaw, Garrick nodded thoughtfully. “I’ll find him. And when I do, the pack will remember how much they need me.”

  “So you’re using David’s disappearance for your own gain,” Raider muttered in disgust.

  Garrick’s eyes snapped to Raider’s. “This is about rescuing a pack member and keeping the hollow safe. Think what you want of me, son, but I’ve always put the survival of the pack first.”

  Raider shook his head and grumbled. Everyone had moved away from them and toward the cauldron. Raider should do the same so he didn’t say something he regretted. Before he had a chance to step away, Garrick leaned closer and placed a hand on his shoulder. “I screwed up. There. I admit it.”

  Raider raised his eyebrows. These were words he never dreamed he’d ever hear from Garrick’s lips.

  His father nodded. “Now, we need another win. Ford got on council, and that’s a good start. I’ll find David while you do what you need to.” He smiled and glanced at Jordan briefly, eyes returning to Raider. “Too bad about the blond one, but you need a healthy female, and now you’ve got her all to yourself day and night.” Garrick sniffed. “I’m the one with the real challenge ahead of me.”

  Raider’s nails bit into his palms, and his teeth clamped down like a steel trap. Yet, despite his aggravation, blood rushed to his groin. Worst of all, Garrick glanced down and grinned.

  “That’s my boy,” he said proudly, giving Raider’s shoulder a squeeze. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a lost wolf to find.”

  Meanwhile, Raider had a new patrol partner to spend the night with.

  chapter eleven

  Nights alone with Raider. No.

  Jordan’s breath caught and remained stuck inside her throat long after Jager made the distressing announcement. Emerson stood rigid, not her typically chatty self, studying every face in the glade with keen eyes.

  Jager hobbled over and lifted his chin in greeting. “Your father and I were just talking and agree that Emerson and Sydney will be taken off duty for the rest of this patrol cycle.” He shot Emerson an assessing glance. “You and your little sister will stay in the den with your family.”

  Emerson’s upper lip curled. “Sydney can stay in the den. I’m fully recovered and ready to get back on duty.”

  Jager nodded slowly. “Extremely admirable of you, but your family needs you, especially your youngest sister.”

  Emerson lifted her chest and widened her stance. “Sydney doesn’t need me. My pack does. Who’s my new partner, anyway?” She stood on tiptoes and looked around as though that would help her spot him.

  “Heh?” Jager cocked his head as though he’d gone deaf.

  “My partner,” Emerson repeated. “You can’t expect him to patrol alone.”

  Jager scratched his temple then studied his dirty fingernails before looking up with a frown. “You don’t have a partner this moon cycle. I removed you from duty the moment you fell ill—I traded you with Zadie, who was supposed to be on meal duty with Janelle. We could actually use your help now that we’re breaking meals into two servings in the morning and evening.”

  Emerson glared at Jager.

  Jordan cleared her throat. “Maybe it’s not the best idea to put Emerson around food so soon.” She raised a brow.

  Jager grasped his chin. “Hmm. I see what you mean. Palmer’s signaling, excuse me.”

  Emerson huffed as Jager hobbled off. Her eyes slid to Jordan. “I can handle being around food. What I can’t handle is serving and cleaning up after other shifters—one of whom is my poisoner. There are far more important things to do—like figure out who tried to kill me and drown you. Hmm.” Emmy rubbed her lips together. “Maybe Jager’s right about taking me off patrol duty. This way I can roam freely and investigate.”

  “Too bad we couldn’t team up,” Jordan said wistfully.

  “Nah, I work better alone.” Emmy flipped her hair back and strode toward an olive-skinned shifter named Zadie and a male named Alec.

  Sighing to herself, Jordan turned away. She had her own dilemma to deal with. She’d been too quick to congratulate herself over missing a week of patrol only to find the remainder of the time included nights one-on-one with Raider—and his big cock, which he’d boasted about so proudly. Not that she could blame him, having seen it for herself.

  Her entire body burned as though with fever.

  “Hey, Jord. Jord!”

  It took a moment for the lustful haze to clear and Chase’s voice to register. He and Hudson seemed to appear at her side out of nowhere.

  Guilt replaced her unbidden desires when she remembered that David was missing. “Hey, guys. I’m so sorry to hear about David.”

  Chase’s shoulders sagged. “We were just joking around with him yesterday morning at breakfast.” He shook his head mournfully. “I can’t believe he’s gone.”

  “At least Garrick’s continuing the search,” Jordan offered. “We got Tabor back, and Wolfrik, as well. Don’t give up hope.”

  Chase pressed his lips together and nodded. “Thanks, Jordan. You’re right. David’s out there somewhere, and we’re going to get him back.”

  “We already know Garrick’s not afraid to sniff around human camps,” Jordan added.

  “We just want our little buddy back,” Hudson said. “My time would be better spent searching rather than patrolling. Let’s hope Garrick picks up his trail.”

  “He’s not in the hollow. All we can do now is wait for word from Garrick,” Jordan said.

  “Yeah,” Chase agreed.

  Hudson folded his arms across his chest and locked eyes with Jordan. “So, now that Emerson’s recovered, are we going to talk about how you accused my sister of poisoning her—thinking it was you—and supposedly tried to drown you?”

  Jordan sighed. “New information just came to my attention, so we can rule Taryn and Janelle out of poisoning, but I know Taryn pushed me in the river the night of the claiming ceremony.”

  Chase scratched his head and avoided both their gazes.

  Hudson frowned. “You were pretty drunk that night.”

  “No, that was you.” Jordan put her hands on her hips.

  “My sister denies it.”

  “I’m sure she does.”

  Eyes narrowing, Hudson stepped in so close their breath mingled, twisting and tightening with each exhale like vaporous snakes. “I don’t believe for a moment that Taryn would try to kill another pack member.”

  “I guess she was hoping the river would take care of that part,” Jordan fired back, standing on her toes.

  Hudson’s eyes flashed. “Then I guess it’s good you’ll have a guard dog on you day and night.”

  Jordan flushed a deep red. Images she couldn’t control darted across her mind like a wolf running wild. In her mind’s eye, she saw Raider standing, naked and hard. She imagined dropping her pants to find out just how big Raider’s cock felt inside her. Desire flooded between her thighs. She shot Hudson a scorching glare, silently blaming him for stirring up unwanted desires.

  Chase cleared his throat. “I don’t like any of this,” he said. “There are a lot of odd things happening. It’s natural for Jordan to worry when two of her sisters have been put in danger.”

  “Then it’s a good thing she’ll be safe—with me.”
r />   Raider’s assertive voice sent a shiver of anticipation through Jordan. Obviously, her mind and body weren’t connecting, because her mind yelled, “No,” while her body screamed, “Take me, you sexy beast of a man!”

  He loomed over their group, chest puffed out and chin lifted.

  Hudson scowled. “Safe with you? Like your last partner?”

  The veins in Raider’s neck bulged as he growled and took a menacing step toward Hudson. Jordan’s heart skittered nearly to a stop.

  “Hudson,” Gina called, striding over with swift steps that made the ends of her red hair billow like flames in the wind. When she reached their group, she squeezed Hudson’s shoulder. “Let’s grab a bite and get going. Chase, you should do the same. Your partner’s waiting for you.”

  Hudson locked eyes with Jordan and said, “To be continued.”

  Gina squinted and studied Jordan’s face before leading the males away, leaving Jordan alone with an angry-looking Raider. His fists were tight, and he clenched his jaw as he glowered in Hudson’s direction.

  Once her friends were in line, Raider spoke gruffly. “You hungry?”


  “Good, neither am I. Let’s go.”

  As they left the glade, they passed Emerson and Wiley. Jordan caught one of her sister’s brusque questions to the male shifter. “How much does Justin want to win the bet? Let me rephrase that. What would he be willing to do to tip the odds in his favor?”

  Jordan didn’t catch Wiley’s reply, but she had to admire her sister’s no-nonsense approach. Any shifter betting against Emerson might have a motive, though it was a weak one. No pack member would risk their place in Wolf Hollow over a stupid bet. The prize wasn’t even that exciting. But maybe someone had only meant to sicken Emerson, never dreaming she would become deathly ill.

  Jordan would check in with her sister during the morning meal. First, she had to get through the night.

  At least Raider didn’t strip naked outside the glade to shift. With brisk steps, he led Jordan along the trail headed southwest, setting a pace that didn’t allow for talking. Even with her tremendous stamina and strength, Raider’s legs were longer, his body stronger, and by the time they reached the grassy knoll, Jordan was panting, but at least her sexual frustrations from earlier had been replaced by irritation.

  Raider strutted over to a boulder and pulled his shirt off, flinging it over the rock. “We’ll do a thorough patrol of the area first then get some sleep.” When he reached for his jeans, Jordan’s heart jackhammered, reverberating through her body as though it had been attached to a metal disc and struck by the gong’s mallet. The lust came flooding back down her body and throbbed between her legs.


  Regaining her breath, Jordan glowered at Raider’s muscled back. “Just so you know, I don’t want to be patrol partners.” What Jordan really wanted Raider to know is that she had no intention of mating or claiming him no matter how much he made her body quiver.

  He looked over his shoulder at her. “Tough shit. We’re stuck with each other night and day until the new pairings, so you’ll just have to put aside your grievances and do your duty.”

  Jordan hated the way her mouth gaped open. How can I be both cross and hot for him at the same time?

  Raider’s sneer turned into an amused grin as he turned to face her, thumb brushing over the button of his jeans.

  Jordan’s traitorous eyes zeroed in on his fingers unzipping his pants. Her throat went dry while heat pooled between her legs. Wet and dry. Cold and hot. Jordan placed a hand on her forehead. Maybe she did have a fever.

  Pants unfastened, Raider hooked his thumbs through the belt loops and tugged down—slowly.

  Jordan clenched her teeth. He was taunting her, toying with her. Somehow, he knew she was attracted to him just like every other she-wolf in the hollow.

  Folding her arms, Jordan sniffed dismissively to hide her agitation. “You need help or something?”

  Raider’s hands stilled on his jeans. “If you’re offering, I wouldn’t want to disappoint you by turning you down.” Jordan scowled, and Raider chuckled. “But it looks like you’re the one who needs help.” He stared pointedly at her pants then dropped his with one swift tug that made Jordan suck in a breath.

  Sweet mother of moonshine. Taking a step back, Jordan stumbled and caught herself before she could humiliate herself further by falling on her ass.

  Raider chuckled and shook his head. “Quit stalling, Jordan, and take your clothes off.”

  “Go ahead. I’ll be right behind you.” Jordan glanced toward the tall grassy field, indicating he should shift and begin the patrol.

  At some point, she’d have to strip in front of him, but right now she worried that without the cover of clothes, he’d see and smell her excitement.

  Rooted to the spot, Raider shook his head. “I never turn my back on a patrol partner.”

  Jordan groaned in frustration and gripped the hem of her tank top, yanking it off and tossing it down in a crumpled heap.

  Raider’s lips softened and opened slightly when his gaze drifted to the hard peaks of her nipples.

  Jordan wasted no time pulling her jeans down and kicking them off, joining her discarded top on the ground to perform a speedy shift that brought the soft comfort of fur covering her body. She shook out her fur and smiled, feeling better.

  Raider shifted and stood, strong and magnificent, a wolf her wolf recognized as a leader and a desirable mate. She wanted to taunt and tease him into mounting her, unhindered by her human side’s unwillingness. Her wolf didn’t care that other she-wolves wanted him—it only made him more desirable.

  Bright brown eyes watched her. Raider let Jordan take the lead, following from several lengths behind as she began the circle around their perimeter. He kept the same distance throughout their patrol, and the few times Jordan glanced back, he looked tense and watchful. Her wolf picked up on his disquiet. It sharpened her senses—making her sniff harder and listen closer to the sounds in the forest.

  Raider might have teased her before, but when it came to patrol, he was all business. Damned if that didn’t make her want him more.

  After searching the entire area and finding nothing amiss, Jordan returned to their starting point near the grassy knoll and curled into a ball on the ground to get some rest before morning. When Raider laid down right beside her, his fur brushing against hers, she growled. He got up and took several languid steps before settling into a spot several feet away from her.

  Sprawling out on his side, he turned his head to face hers and closed his eyes. Jordan watched him for a while, but he remained still, with his eyes closed and a soft grin on his lips.

  Jordan awoke before first sunlight, blinking away sleep. Raider hadn’t left his spot and was still on his side, though his legs and head had curled in. The same contented smile lifted his lips, as though he were enjoying a particularly satisfying dream. While he slumbered, Jordan padded up to her discarded clothes and shifted. She stayed seated on the ground to put on her pants and tank top. The next time she glanced at Raider, his eyes were open and watching her from the ground. When she stood up, he lifted his head.

  “I’m going to the glade,” Jordan announced.

  The good thing about having the first breakfast shift was that she didn’t have to wait for the gong to summon her—she could arrive early and be the first to eat, which was fortunate because her stomach gnawed at her relentlessly after having denied it dinner.

  She also looked forward to the solitary walk through the forest, intending to soak in the temporary peace and quiet before she was stuck patrolling with Raider the entire day.

  As she started away, a growl hit her back. Not appreciating being snarled at, Jordan’s eyes narrowed as she turned around and glared at Raider. His fur retracted, ears shrinking as they slid to the sides of his square-shaped hum
an face, and his chest expanded and filled out, muscles spreading like deep valleys and hills across his body. “We go together,” he said as soon as his jaw settled into place.

  Jordan folded her arms across her chest. “I don’t care what Jager says. I don’t want you sticking to me like a flea night and day. I need my space.”

  “Unfortunately, you don’t have that luxury. Neither of us does.”

  Raider spoke in a matter-of-fact tone, taking a wide-legged stance that sent a wave of heat blasting up her neck and flaming through her head with brain-braising force.

  “You’re not my alpha. I’ll do my duty and patrol with you, but that’s all,” Jordan snapped. She spun on her heel and stormed past the base of the knoll, hurrying into the forest and the cover it provided. Her heart pounded up her throat and she half-expected Raider to catch up to her, but she never caught sight of him during her speed-walk into the glade. The echo of his words and voice were another matter, as was the disappointment deep within his eyes.

  She didn’t need the guilt trip. She’d served her pack faithfully from the age of fifteen, when shifters were considered old enough to begin patrol. They had never been stuck with a partner day and night. As much as she disliked it, she would serve her time with Raider, but that didn’t mean she had to accept a chaperone through the woods to and from meals.

  Like his mongrel of a father, Raider had control issues. He’d picked the wrong she-wolf to try dominating.

  Morning dew covered the wild grass in a wet sheen that soaked the bottom edges of Jordan’s jeans as she walked through. The sky lightened and cast the long green leaves overhead into sharp relief.

  Jordan tried to lose herself in the tranquility of the moment, but her heart squeezed tight as she expected Raider to catch up and fling orders at her back. He never did. He didn’t have to. She hated the way his words chewed through her thoughts as though they were greasy bits of fat. The early-morning songbirds failed to take her mind away from the burdens down on solid ground.